A Man Sees A Half-Naked Child Freezing On The Streets. What He Did Next Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes!

What a wonderful world we live in when kindness and generosity are freely given to those in need. This video uploaded by Facebook user Nathan James might just bring you to tears!

In the first few seconds of the video, the man in blue was seen tapping the back of a half-naked boy sleeping on the side of the street. The boy was quite afraid at first, probably thinking that the man might have cruel intentions. 

However, what the man did next truly warmed the hearts of everyone who witnessed it! The man took off his own shirt and shorts and placed them on the boy in order to keep him from freezing!

What an inspirational good deed!

The ‘Good Samaritan’ gave almost all of his clothing to the poor boy, leaving him wearing just his undies. He garnered countless praise from netizens who saw his kind deed.

The post was uploaded in January and it has earned a massive 5 MILLION views as of this writing! Twenty-one people have already shared it in the hopes of inspiring others. 

How about you? Would you be willing to do the same? Share your thoughts with us, and share this with your friends and family on Facebook!
Source: Facebook

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