One-Year-Old Baby's Diaper Covered In Blood After A Chinese Man S*xually Assaulted Her!

We’ve all heard of terrifying stories about girls as young as 6 (or even 4) being s*xually assaulted by perverts and r*pists but nothing could be more terrifying than this story a 16 month-old baby was r*ped by a Chinese man.

According to the World of Buzz, the baby suffered from internal bleeding after she was s*xually assaulted. The report cited that the incident happened in Zhejiang, China.

Oriental Daily revealed that the man was 50-year-old. It was said that the baby’s mother, Ningbo, was changing her diapers when the latter saw blood. 

When she brought her daughter to the doctor, that’s when they found out that her lower body suffered from an intensely serious laceration. 

One-Year-Old Baby's Diaper Covered In Blood After A Chinese Man S*xually Assaulted Her!

One-Year-Old Baby's Diaper Covered In Blood After A Chinese Man S*xually Assaulted Her!

Upon further inspection, the doctor said that the baby’s posterior vaginal wall was terribly torn. A surgery had to be done immediately because the injury  was “very severe.” 

When the mother was interviewed, she said that a 50-year-old egg vendor visited their house on the day of the incident. She said that he only lived nearby. 

One-Year-Old Baby's Diaper Covered In Blood After A Chinese Man S*xually Assaulted Her!

The mother revealed that the man would frequently visit them in order to play with her children. He was even considered a family friend. 

On the day of the heinous crime, the man reportedly brought the baby out for 40 minutes. The mother saw her daughter holding candies afterward and she immediately suspected something was wrong. 

Her daughter was completely expressionless. 

When she tried to change the baby’s diaper, that’s when the baby started crying. She discovered that it was horribly filled with blood. When she brought her daughter to the hospital, the doctors had urged her to file a report to the police. 

One-Year-Old Baby's Diaper Covered In Blood After A Chinese Man S*xually Assaulted Her!

Fortunately, the authorities quickly caught the 50-year-old man. They are now in the process of investigating his motives and how the crime had actually happened. 

Meanwhile, the report didn’t mention how the mother reacted to this after knowing it was a family friend who had violated her daughter. 

Extremely horrifying! What do you think about this news? If you know someone who has been s*xually assaulted as well, don’t hesitate to call the police and the authorities! 

Let us know your comments and thoughts on this below!
Source: Worldofbuzz

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