This Pervert Sexually Assaulted This Young Girl Inside Her Own Home! You'll Never Believe What His Relationship To The Victim Is!

We expect our family to love us the most, but what happens when they are ones who cause us harm?

In this story, a 16-year-old girl was raped not once, not twice, but more than 20 times by her own uncle.

The victim said that the abuse happened in her aunt’s house in Orani, Bataan, where she lived. Reportedly, she was raped every night for 21 days, starting on November 9, 2014.

She related her ordeal to her aunt, but the latter didn’t believe a word she said.

After being threatened by her rapist, she eventually got the courage to go to the Orani police to file a complaint. The investigation revealed that she has visible lacerations on her vagina.

Originally punishable by death, rape is one of the worst crimes in the country. The suspect now faces 21 counts of rape and is effectively one of Bataan’s most wanted. 

On the run for a couple of years, he was eventually caught on March 14, 2017.

The suspect's wife denies the allegations, even going so far as blaming the victim.

As of this writing the court has yet to render its verdict.


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